Wonderful Legend News!

Legend coverIf you read this book for nearly any length of time at all, then you’ll discover that I love Legend, and Marie Lu’s books in general.  I’ve probably mentioned at least one of her books every week that I’ve been active on this blog.  Well, today I heard some WONDERFUL Legend news while I was on my break at work.  There is still a chance that there will be a Legend movie!

I’m certainly not an expert on how all this works, but from what I understand, a movie studio initially buys the rights to a movie for a certain period of time.  At that point, they can either make the movie… or not.  CBS Films originally bought the rights to the Legend movie, but nothing ever came from it.  BCDF Pictures now has the rights to the movie.  So evidently, there is still enough interest for this to potentially happen.

I so hope this happens.  This is a wonderful book and a movie would allow more people to hear about it.  I had never heard of Divergent until I saw the movie trailer… and the book is so much better than the movie.  The Legend fanfiction category over at AO3 is getting a little lonely.

That leads me to the other Legendy part of my day.  It really was a great day for me.  I participated in Camp NaNoWriMo this year, with a goal of 20,000 words.  I also decided to do a fun little (okay, little is a little bit of a misnomer) challenge over at the Archive of Our Own Writers Group over on Facebook.  They had a little game called “fandom roulette” where they would roll a specific type of story for me to write.  I was challenged to write a gen fusion fic in my current fandom.

Gen fics are those that don’t have a love relationship, fusion fics are those where characters are written into another fandom as if they’ve always been there.  So for my challenge (and Camp NaNoWriMo) I wrote a story where Day and June are born in the Divergent world and they both end up joining Dauntless.  On Tuesday night, I won Camp NaNoWriMo with this story, My New Best Friend.

I published chapter 1 on Wednesday morning.  Within 24 hours, I had 50 hits.  I have absolutely no idea where all those hits came from.  As a comparison, my most successful Legend fanfic, Like Normal People, only has gotten 757 hits in 2 1/2 years.  The story with my most hits ever is Selfless, which is in the Divergent fandom, and it has a grand total of 2357 hits, but that story is almost 3 1/2 years old.

So today was a wonderful day, with both the movie news and my fanfic doing so well.  It made my day at work seem to fly by, I was so happy.  Hopefully, if you like Legend as well, the exciting movie news will actually result in some sort of movie!


  1. Congrats on winning CampNaNo! I still haven’t won any NaNo year… LOL

    I am super excited about the Legend movie! I really love that series, but I think I prefer it to be a series like The 100? I think this series needs a lot of room to expand the subplots and what not! Really excited!
    Zeee @ I Heart Romance recently posted…Books on My Radar | August 2018My Profile

    1. Thank you! This November I’m trying to win NaNoWriMo again with a “historical fanfic in an alternate universe with original characters — and magic!” In other words, original fiction loosely inspired by a historical event. I’m already planning for it because 50,000 words is a lot!

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