The Naughty or Nice Book Tag

I found the Naught or Nice Book tag over at A.J. Sterkel’s blog, although it was created by Jenn @ Jenniely. It looked like fun, so I decided to so it. So, let’s find out if I’ve been a naughty or a nice bookdragon this year!

1. Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy and not reviewed it?

Nice. I haven’t finished reading The Gilded Wolves yet, but it doesn’t come out until January 8th, so give me a break here. I’m in the middle of reading it, and I really like it.

I also haven’t read The Darkest Star, which is an ARC, but I got it from a friend on Twitter, not from a publisher, so I don’t have an obligation to read it and review it if I don’t want to. I will read and review it, but I want to read several of the books that come before it first. So I’m going to say I’m nice on this one.

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on NetGalley?

Nice. I have a 95% rating on Netgalley. You could say that I’m an ARC-Angel. ;-). Once there was a computer glitch and I actually had a feedback ratio of 112%. I hope you’re paying attention to how well I review my ARCs, publishers, especially when it comes time to beg for an Advanced Review Copy of the 4th Legend book next year. I’d make it worth your money.

3. Promised a full review was coming and never wrote the review?

Nice. Although, at the moment I have seven planned reviews to write. I never promised these reviews to anybody though. I just try to review every book I read, and there are seven I haven’t reviewed. I even kept my promise to write a fanfic of my friend’s book.

4. Folded down the page of a book?

Nice. Why would you do this? I like my books to be pretty.

5. Accidentally spilled on a book?

Naughty. I really try not to damage my books, honest! But I also sometimes eat while reading. I usually don’t damage my books too badly, but I’m not perfect.

6. Didn’t finish a book?

Nice. I haven’t finished the unabridged copy of Gibbon’s History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire yet, and I haven’t finished the Works of Josephus either, but I do intend on finishing them. I know some people will stop reading, but the only books I ever am tempted to DNF are review copies of some of the books I get from Netgalley, and I take my promise to review books quite seriously, so I finish those.

7. Bought a book because it was pretty with no intention of reading it?

Naughty? I’m not sure if this counts or not, but sometimes I get a little carried away with getting free books on I typically don’t buy a book because it’s pretty, but I sometimes will get a book because it’s free.

8. Read while you were meant to be doing something else?

Naughty, I guess. Sometimes I read when I should be sleeping. It’d be really hard to read while I’m at work (except on my lunch break), although I do write in my head when I’m at work all the time.

9. Skim read a book?

Nice. I have Googled certain questions to find out what happens… are Jace and Clary actually siblings? But I read my books. Sometimes I read really fast on purpose though.

10. Missed your Goodreads goal?

Nice. This is the first year I’ve had a Goodreads goal, and I reached it, so yay!

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it?

This year? Nice. But not always. When our house caught on fire several years ago, there were books that never got returned. I’ve forgotten to return books before, long ago. This year my return rate is perfect though. It helps that I go to the library every week. Plus, I usually borrow electronic books, even though I’ll buy hardbacks of my favorite books.

12. Broke a book buying ban?

Naughty? I don’t know if I’ve ever had a book buying ban, but sometimes books will go on sale for $1.99 and I can’t pass them up, even though I probably don’t need to buy it. And Kingdom of Ash just happened to fall into my cart when I was Christmas shopping, even though I had given that idea to my parents.

13. Started a review, left it for ages, and then forgot what the book was about?

Nice. I usually write my reviews in one sitting.

14. Wrote in a book?

Addicted to Outrage cover

Naughty. I underlined in Glenn Beck’s Addicted to Outrage this year. I also write in my Calendar for Writers, but I don’t think that counts, because there’s literally places to take notes in it. Most of the time I don’t write in my books. I usually try to memorize the page numbers of places in the books I absolutely love and want to read again and again.

15. Finished a book and not added it to Goodreads?

Naughty. Only one book this year though. I just didn’t want to admit I read it, LOL. Before this year I never put books into Goodreads. I am very good about it now though. I don’t always write a review.

16. Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book?

Nice? I don’t often get people asking to borrow my books though. I might have difficulty loaning my Marie Lu books… when my kids borrow them I get a little nervous, and they’re not even leaving my house! Fortunately I have second copies of several of the books now. All the rest of my books I’ll lend.

17. Broke the spine of someone else’s book?

Nice. I couldn’t imagine doing that! Not on purpose, anyway. I have a couple of books of my own that are a little worn, but I try to be careful to take care of books.

18. Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up damaging it more?

Nice. I usually leave my dust jackets on unless I’m loaning them out. My dh takes them off anyway, and then I end up losing them. He doesn’t like reading hardbacks any more though. He’s a Kindle boy.

19. Sat on a book?

Nice? This year at least. I’m short, so I’ve sat on books so I can be taller before. Just not this year.

So I got 13 Nices and 6 Naughtys. I guess I’m pretty good, but I’m not perfect.

Were you naughty or nice with your books this year? If you want to do this one, consider yourself tagged.


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