The Birthday Book Tag

Happy birthday to me! Today’s my birthday, so I’m going to do the birthday book tag. I found it over at Bookish Treats, but it was started by Antonia at Always Books.

1.  BIRTHDAY CAKE – a book with a plot that seems cliche but you adore it anyway

The Wrath and the Dawn cover

I’m not sure that this one qualifies? But I had a hard time with this prompt. What is a cliche plot? I looked through the books I read recently and wasn’t sure what books might work.

But I figured that the bones of this story have been around for over a thousand years, so we pretty much know what’s going to happen. Yet we want to read the story anyway. And I ended up loving it. I still haven’t gotten around to reading the sequel, but I probably will at some point.

2. PARTY GUESTS – your most anticipated book release this year

Rebel cover

Day, June, and Eden are definitely invited to my birthday party this year. Is that really a surprise? I wish Rebel would come out earlier, but alas, I’ll have to wait until October 1st.

I did get to read the sampler though, and I loved it (of course). So Eden is a bit of a rebel in this book, but after reading the sampler, there’s a good reason for that. I wonder how this will mesh with Life After Legend II, which came out as a pre-order gift with Wildcard? The timelines seem to overlap.

3. BIRTHDAY PRESENTS – a book that surprised you with how much you loved it

Into the Hollow cover

Into the Hollow by Lynn Vroman was one of those “Read Now” books on Netgalley. Like Forrest Gump says, they tend to be like a box of chocolates “you never know what you’re gonna get.” I was pleasantly surprised by this one and I couldn’t put it down.

I tend to talk about this underrated book a lot, but it never got a lot of hype when it came out, so someone has to talk about it, right?

4. THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG – a book that certainly deserved all the hype it got

A Reaper at the Gates Cover

Last June, hype for A Reaper at the Gates was all over the place on Twitter. I hadn’t read the first two books yet, but I was curious. So I decided to give An Ember in the Ashes a try. Lucky for me, there was a copy available at my library.

I ended up reading these fairly long books quickly. I think they took me a day per book. I couldn’t put them down. So for me, this book truly did live up to all the hype that it was given.

5. HAPPY MUSIC – a book with some very beautiful and truly memorable quotes

Finale cover

I just recently started a book journal, where I copy down some of my favorite quotes. Sometimes I’m just too into the book to stop and write down quotes, but I try. One book that I wrote down a lot of quotes from was Finale.

This was such a beautiful book, and it has some gorgeous quotes in it. It definitely deserves a spot in the happy music slot.

6. GETTING OLDER – a book that you read a long time ago, but you think that you would appreciate it more if you read it as a more mature reader

Jane Eyre cover

I remember reading Jayne Eyre so long ago that I barely remember what happened. If I read it now, I’d probably get more out of it than I did when I was in high school or middle school.

Although… I’m not really sure I want to read it any time soon? I know a lot of people like it, but there are just way too many books on my TBR, including some older books like Les Miserables, so I’m not sure if I will read it again. But who knows?

7. SWEET BIRTHDAY MEMORIES – a book that kept you incredibly happy during a sad or demanding period of your life

Rilla of Ingleside cover

This is another prompt that I’m not sure how to answer. But I read Rilla of Ingleside when I was in middle school or high school (I don’t remember which) and I remember it was a book with all the feels. I couldn’t help but crying towards the end.

Okay, maybe that’s not a good example? But perhaps if you’re crying from what’s happening to fictional characters, you’re not so worried about your own petty concerns? High school and middle school was a fairly depressing time for me, and I loved this book. Another good thing about this book is that it reminds me of my grandma (she was awesome).

So that’s all the prompts for today! If you decide to do this tag for your birthday, let me know!


  1. Happy Birthday! I’m so glad you enjoyed the book tag! 🙂 Please link it below on my tag if you haven’t so that other readers may find it.
    Jane Eyre is definitely a book you need to be a bit mature for.
    I just got Finale from Owlcrate and cannot wait to start it!
    Great books here 🙂
    Marti recently posted…Book Review: Impossible Music Sean WilliamsMy Profile

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