ABC Book Challenge – A

Today, going on every Sunday until the end of the year, I’ll be publishing the ABC book challenge. This tag, which I originally found at Me, Myself, and Books, and was able to trace (tentatively) back to Thrifty Bibliophile, has you going through your TBRs and finding books that begin with that particular letter. I might do a mix of books on my TBR and books that I’ve read (depending on the letter).

Alex, Approximately cover

There are a ton of books that start with A on both my TBR and read shelf over at Goodreads. So many, that it’s going to be difficult to narrow these books down to a reasonable number. One of the A books that I really liked was Alex, Approximately. It’s a cute teen summer romance featuring the enemies-to-lovers trope. I devoured it in two days.

Agenda 21 cover

One of the fun things about this tag I think will be talking about books I haven’t had the chance to really mention before. Agenda 21 is a thriller that came out in 2012. In this world set in the future, life is highly planned out for you. Children grow up in group homes, not with their families, and your mate is chosen for you. It’s a fairly bleak existence, until our protagonist decides that she wants to escape.

Anne of Green Gables cover

Almost all of the Anne of Green Gables books start with an A (Rilla of Ingleside I think is the only exception). These are really sweet books that I loved as a kid, and really should read again someday. It’s the story of Anne, an orphan who gets into a lot of trouble at first, but eventually grows up, gets married, and has a family.

African Samurai cover

African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan sounds like a really interesting book. I haven’t heard a lot about this book, and I haven’t read it, but it’s on my TBR and I’m pretty sure that it will stay there until I get the chance to read it.

American Panda cover

American Panda looks like an adorable book. I haven’t read it yet, but would like to at some point in the future.

So there are some letter A books for the ABC Book Challenge. B is another letter that I have plenty of books on Goodreads for, so I’ll probably have quite a few books next week. When I get to X… not so much, I think.


  1. I love all that is Jenn Bennett, and Alex was my first Bennett book. American Panda was good. It had many very funny parts, but there are quite a few deeper issues covered too.

    1. American Panda is definitely one of those books that… every time I see it, I think “aah why have I not read this yet?”

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