Favorite Books of April (Fangirling on Friday)

Fangirling on Friday

It’s Friday, and it’s the beginning of the month, so what does that mean? Not only does it mean it’s time for Fangirling on Friday, but it’s time for me to talk about my favorite books from last month. Fangirling on Friday is hosted by Books in the Skye!

This month I’m going to pick two favorites… one a fantasy, and the other a contemporary!

Finale cover

Favorite Fantasy: Finale – Stephanie Garber

I was so lucky that I was approved for the Finale ARC. In fact, publishers loved me in April and I’m so thankful. Finale was my favorite fantasy novel I read last month.

I read Caraval for the first time last summer, so waiting for the next books in this series hasn’t been as long a journey for me as it has been for many of you, but I thought this series had a beautiful (and fitting) ending. I loved this book so much that I pre-ordered a finished copy. I got it on Kindle though because I’m running low on room for books!

When Dimple Met Rishi cover

Favorite Contemporary: When Dimple Met Rishi – Sandhya Menon

I was lucky enough to hear Sandhya Menon speak not once, but twice last month. Of course I had to buy one of her books. I bought her first book because I read that Dimple Shah liked computers, and so do I, so I figured that we already had something in common. And I loved this book. Now I’m fortunate enough to have a signed copy.

So what about you? What was your favorite book from last month?