Favorite Diverse Reads

Fangirling on Friday

It’s Friday, so that means… it’s tie to Fangirl! Today’s topic is Favorite Diverse Reads. To be honest, I never really pay too much attention to whether a book is diverse or not, but I know that representation matters to people who are underrepresented in books, so it’s good for authors to think about diversity.

Legend cover
Young Elites cover
Warcross cover

I’m just going to lump Marie Lu’s books all together, because they’re all diverse. Day from Legend is primarily Mongolian, while June is part native American. Although The Young Elites is a fantasy novel set in a fictonal world, Adelina Amouteru could probably be described as Middle Eastern-ish while Magiano is black. In Warcross, Emika is Chinese while Hideo is Japanese. There is also a nonbinary character in the sequel, Wildcard.

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

The Ember in the Ashes Quartet is set in a Roman-ish type of land with characters of various races. Laia is a character with Middle Eastern-ish roots (the Roman Empire at its height controlled Northern Africa and a good deal of the Middle East anyway). This series also has a lot of folklore from the Middle East as well.

Flame in the Mist Cover

Flame in the Mist is a book resembling the setting of feudal Japan. I absolutely loved this book and it’s setting.

Enchantée cover

Probably diversity is not the first thing that you think about when you think of Enchantée, which was set in France right before the French Revolution. Most of the people there are going to be European and white, right? While Enchantée does have a lot of historical accuracy to it, despite it being a fantasy book, France wasn’t 100% white at the time. France was already expanding its colonies, and Lazare, the main love interest, was the child of one of the guys that left to colonize India (I think) and one of the natives there, so yes, even this fantasy book set in Europe has it’s own diversity to it.

So there are some books that I love with diversity in it. Next week, I’m going to combine Fangirling on Friday with Top Ten Tuesday for my favorite couples in books. Since Top Ten Tuesday is out out on Tuesday, I’ll be posting a few days early.