End of Year Book Tag

The end of the year is coming (actually, the end of the decade) and it’s time for the End of Year Book Tag! Sadly, I don’t know who started this and I forgot where I found it (I googled to find the questions). I thought this would be fun to do. This is one you could do any year!

1. Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

Les Miserables cover

I actually have 6 books that are unfinished. I will probably finish Les Misérables before the year is over (I have 16 hours of listening time left on the audiobook). Another book that I have yet to finish is The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire… but Kindle says I have 92 hours and 52 minutes left to finish that book, so maybe I’ll finish it in 2020. I usually have one novel that I’m reading, but I’ll probably finish at least 10 more of those before the decade is over.

2. Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

Not really. I do read through the Bible once a year, but I typically start it on January 1st and finish it December 31st. There are a few Christmas books I read, but not necessarily every year.

3. Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

Queen of Nothing cover

I pre-ordered The Queen of Nothing immediately after I finished reading The Wicked King. That isn’t the pre-order I’ve had sitting in my Amazon account the longest though. I pre-ordered Chain of Gold with my Christmas money last year. And I’ve also pre-ordered a Kindle copy of Skyhunter, which comes out October 6, 2020; that’s the most far in the future I currently have pre-ordered.

I like to get my pre-orders taken care of well in advance. Since I pay for my books with gift cards, I don’t have to worry about having to come up with a lot of money all at once when there’s a lot of new releases coming out that I have to have.

4. What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

Call Down the Hawk cover

There’s still a lot of books I plan on reading before the end of the year, including Call Down The Hawk, which arrived on Tuesday, and The Queen of Nothing. I haven’t made up my winter 2019/2020 TBR yet, but I do plan on reading Malediction, which my friend Katerina King wrote. But at this point, I’ll probably read at least 12 more books before the end of the year (I usually read at least 2 books a week).

5. Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?

Maybe? I don’t think so, but last year, the Enchantée ARC came out of the blue towards the end of the year and became my favorite book. The Queen of Nothing has a chance, but probably not. There are a couple books I have yet to read that might make the Top 10 books I read this year though.

6. Have you already started making reading plans for 2020?

I already have 5 ARCs that I’ll read in 2020. Between now and March 3, I’m rereading The Infernal Devices, Ghosts of the Shadow Market, and The Dark Artifices. I would like to reread Rebel, The Young Elites Trilogy, and The Divergent Series next year as well. Then of course I already have five books pre-ordered for next year, and there’ll be a ton of new books coming out to read (and backlist books too!).

So that’s the End of Year book tag! Feel free to do this yourself if you want. If you do end up doing the tag, please tag me so I can see what you came up with!