Favorite Books from the 2010s

At the beginning of the year, I always like to look back on the year before. What were my favorites? What happened? Back when I had my old blog, I’d cover the top news events of the previous year, or celebrities we lost, but now I mainly write about books. Since we’re now into a new decade, I guess I’ll take some time to reflect on my favorite books of the decade.

This was harder to do than my favorite books from the previous year. Especially when I decided to only list books that were published in the last decade, which excludes The Fourth Turning (published in 1997). But I came up with a list that, although I could probably quibble with some of the entries at the bottom of the list, reflects many of the books that I’ll look back on and remember fondly (or plan on another reread).

Unless otherwise specified, when I list the beginning book of a series, the entire series is included in that spot.

Young Elites cover

10. The Young Elites – Marie Lu. This was the hardest slot to pick, because there were several books that could have gone here. I especially liked the second and third books in this series. I’m looking forward to a reread this year.

5th Wave Cover

9. The 5th Wave – Rick Yancey (first book only). I loved the first book so much, but the second and third books in this series were probably the most disappointing sequels of the decade. This book was my second favorite book of those I read in 2016.

Sky Without Stars cover

8. Sky Without Stars – Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell. I read a lot more books in the final couple of years of the decade than I did in the first few years, although I’ve always been reading books. Sky Without Stars is probably the book I’m looking forward to rereading the most this year.

Enchantée cover

7. Enchantée – Gita Trelease. J’adore this book! It was my favorite book I read in 2018. Ms. Trelease has postponed the release of the sequel to this book, Liberté, until early 2021, which is disappointing, but I’ll probably end up rereading this book later this year.

Cruel Prince Cover

6. The Cruel Prince – Holly Black. This is another series I’ll definitely have to reread at some point. Jude and Cardan are both terrible people, but they belong together. I’m glad I didn’t have to wait until this month to read its conclusion.

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

5. An Ember in the Ashes – Sabaa Tahir. Like many people, I’m impatiently waiting the fourth book in this tetralogy. I know she’s working on this, but it doesn’t make waiting easier. I read the first three books in one week (and these are not small books). I’ll have to reread these before its conclusion comes out (hopefully 2021?).

Twelfth Imam cover

4. The Twelfth Imam – Joel C. Rosenberg. This series came out when I wasn’t reading that many books per year (a couple a month instead of a couple a week). I loved the relationship between David and Marseilles. I’ll have to reread this series at some point, as it’s been a while since I read it.

Clockwork Angel cover

3. The Infernal Devices – Cassandra Clare. I’m not sure which Shadowhunter series I liked the best, but The Mortal Instruments came out partially in the 2000s, and I ugly cried the most reading Clockwork Princess, so I had to pick this one.

Divergent cover

2. Divergent – Veronica Roth (excluding “We Can Be Mended”). I love this series so much, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve read it. But I have read the entire series in Spanish, the first book in German, and the first 50 pages or so in Russian. I’ve read it in English countless times. The only part I don’t love is anything after chapter 50 of Allegiant.

Legend cover

1. Legend – Marie Lu. Yes I love FourTris, but I love Day and June even more. I’m glad this series concluded last year with Rebel; it seems a fitting way to bookend the decade.

So those were my favorite books from the past decade. I’m looking forward to all the amazing books that the ’20s promise to bring!

Favorite Book of March (Fangirling on Friday)

Fangirling on Friday

It’s Friday again, which means it’s time to fangirl! Today’s Fangirling on Friday topic is “Favorite of March”. I read so many great books this last month, so even though I have one book in mind, I also have several honorable mentions.

Sky Without Stars cover

So I think I’m going to give the favorite book of the month award to Sky without Stars by Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell! This was a great book. I loved the main characters, Chatine and Marcellus, and I hope that when the next book comes out I get to see more of them together. Of course, Alouette is an interesting character as well, but I’m hoping for Chatine and Marcellus to get together.

The book is described as Les Miserables meets The Lunar Chronicles. I need to read both of those books, but I haven’t yet. Why? Well, maybe because of the other 300 books on my TBR…

I read so many good books last month, but I should give an honorable mention to The Grisha Verse books by Leigh Bardugo. So I started reading Shadow and Bone in February, but in March I read Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising. I completely ship Malina! I also listened to Six of Crows on audiobook (same universe, different story). They were all good.

In March I found out that Leigh Bardugo is releasing a book on October 1st (what’s up with that date… it’s also the date Rebel and The End and Other Beginnings comes out) called Ninth House. I want to pre-order that book, but I looked at my budget for this month, and since I’m meeting Sandhya Menon next week, I’m getting When Dimple Met Rishi instead. I’m sure I can pre-order her book next month, but October is still six months away, so there’s plenty of time to come up with $22 between now and then.

So that’s my favorite from March. What were your favorites?