The Life Choices Write Tag

I decided that I wanted to do the Life Choices Write Tag, where we talk about one of our works in progress.  I have several WIPs at the moment, all in various stages.  I originally was going to do this tag with the NaNoWriMo book that I’m planning, but I think I’ll just answer those questions to myself, for now, because I don’t even have all the main characters named yet!  I have a pretty good idea of where that story is going, but I’m still planning it.  Instead, I’ll be talking about Hero, which is a Legend fanfic… my first draft is at least 2/3 done, but I know exactly where the end of the story is headed.


  • Thank the person who tagged you but also link back to the original post(I want to see all your lovely answers, people!)

I found this tag over at Drizzle and Hurricane books.

  • Provide a short description of your WIP/story!

Hero is a continuation of the Legend trilogy written by Marie Lu.  It is not canon with Life After Legend or Life After Legend 2 (oops, did I just give something away that I wasn’t supposed to ;-)?  It’s going to be one of the Wildcard pre-order gifts.  Penguin Teen talked about it in a video they put out on Friday).

Anyway, Day, now going by Daniel again, returns back to the Republic with his brother Eden.  He runs into June on his first day there, and ends up going to her 27th birthday party.  Daniel of course is interested in her right away, but there’s one small problem… she has a 10 year old boy.  The party pretty much ends when the boy, John, unwittingly announces that his dad is Day.  Everybody has to get over that little snag, but after they all get to know each other, John is kidnapped.  They have to rescue him, but after they find him, they also find someone else that needs their help…

  • This is pretty focused on main characters but don’t hesitate to use several characters for the answers if you want to! (We want to get to know as many of your characters as possible)

Just for clarification… I’m using the questions in the original form, but I never consider Day, June, Tess, Pascao, or any of the original Legend characters to be “my” characters.  I’m just borrowing them.  John (the boy), Rosie, and some of the other assorted characters in the story are mine, because I made them.


Where does your main character (MC) live? Were they born there or did they move to that place?

This story has three Point of View (POV) characters, plus Rosie, a girl that John runs into after he is kidnapped.  Daniel, June, and John were all born in Los Angeles, CA, while Rosie was born in Salina, Kansas (in the Colonies).  Daniel lives in Antarctica for the first chapter, but for the rest of the story he lives in Los Angeles, where June and John live for the entire story.  Rosie lives in Salina, Kansas, until she moves to Los Angeles.

Does your MC have a dream career? What (if anything) stops them from pursuing it?

Daniel and June are both military people.  They are pursuing their dream careers.  John and Rosie are too young to think about their dream careers… and up until now, Rosie has been too busy trying to survive to even think about a career.

Did any of your characters ever go against their parents/family’s wishes? How did that change their relationship?

Daniel and June’s parents are dead, so there’s nothing happening there.  Rosie did run away from home… but her father was a child molester that had killed her mother, so I really don’t blame her.  She no longer has or desires a relationship with her father.  She doesn’t even know if he’s alive or is in jail or anything like that.

If faced with their greatest fear – would your MC try to overcome it or run the other way?

I think they all have to try to overcome their fears out of necessity.  Their biggest instinct is survival, and, in Daniel and June’s case, the survival of their son.

Did any character have to cut a person out of their life? Why?

Rosie had to cut her father out of her life.  He was so toxic that it’s better to live on the streets than to live with him.

What is your main character’s biggest regret?

In hindsight, June probably regrets not contacting Daniel sooner.  There wasn’t much they could do to prevent the kidnapping, however; it wasn’t a random kidnapping.

Which character is most likely going to help a stranger, even if they got nothing out of it in return?


If your character got good/bad news, who would be the person they first tell?

At the beginning of our story, Daniel would tell his brother, Eden.  June would probably tell Tess, and John would probably tell his best friend, Tanis.  Rosie really has nobody at the beginning of the story, but later on, she’d probably tell John.

BONUS: Make an aesthetic for your MCs life if there had been no obstacles (money, geographical, etc.) and they had everything they wanted. (It is up to you if you want to explain it or not!)

I’m skipping this one.

If you want to do this, there is no obligation!

I’m not going to tag anybody, but if you want to do this one, then go ahead.  🙂