Books that Should Be Adapted into Netflix Shows/Movies

Top Ten Tuesday

Hello! It’s Tuesday again, which means it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl)! Today we’re going to talk about books that should be made into Netflix movies or TV shows. I don’t watch a lot of TV (I started watching The Americans about 4 years ago and I’m still at the beginning of season 2) but I would see my favorite books as movies. Some of them, at least. Our family has this thing called “family fun night” where one of us picks two choices and everybody else votes on what to do; we rotate between who gets to pick. So even if I wouldn’t rush out to see all of these in the theaters (when we can), they would make good family fun night choices.

Legend cover

Of course I had to pick Legend as one of my choices. I don’t have plans to reread it this year, but it’s probably my favorite book series. Two different companies have already held the option to make this movie (I currently don’t know what the status of the latest option is) but I still want it. The whole series. And while Netflix is at it, maybe they can make Warcross and The Young Elites. They’re all in the same Luniverse, after all (Ms. Lu once said in an AMA that she imagined The Young Elites took place inside the Warcross video game). Take my money, I’d watch these as soon as they came out.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight cover

I know there’s already been a Dragonlance movie, but it wasn’t that good. I had been so looking forward to it–my kids are named Laurana and Tanis, after all–but was so disappointed when I saw it. We need a really good live action version of this. Or perhaps a TV series. There’s like 100 books in this universe, so the TV show could go on for years.

A Spectacle of Souls

Maybe I’m a little biased, because I just finished reading A Spectacle of Souls and Jessica Julien is one of my #AuthorConfession friends on Twitter. But I really liked this book and I think it would make a fun movie. And who wouldn’t want to see their friends succeed?

Kiss Quotient cover

I just finished reading The Bride Test today, and I think the whole The Kiss Quotient series should be made into Netflix movies. Even The Heart Principal, which I haven’t read and doesn’t come out until 2021. I just want these as movies.

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour

Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour would make a great summer road trip movie. It’s got crazy destinations, new friends, a tragic backstory, and a budding romance.

Today Tonight Tomorrow cover

Today Tonight Tomorrow would be such a fun movie! A scavenger hunt through Seattle on the last day of school, enemies-to-lovers, this movie would be a lot of fun.

Tweet Cute cover

Tweet Cute would be another cute movie. The children of two rival restaurants battle each other over Twitter and end up falling in love IRL. Why are movie studios making all these remakes again? There are so many new books out there that would make amazing movies.

It seems like there’s a theme for me tonight: high school seniors falling in love. The Best Laid Plans, about two best friends falling in love instead of enemies, but it’s a really sweet book that would make a really sweet movie.

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

I’m rereading the An Ember in the Ashes books in preparation for A Sky Beyond the Storm coming out in December, and I’d love to see these on my TV. I think there’s too much packed into these books to make proper movies, but the tetralogy would make a good TV series.

Enchantée cover

Yes, I know Gita Trelease renamed Enchantée to All That Glitters, but it will always be Enchantée to me, I think. I love this book and think this would make an excellent movie.

So there you have it. 10 books that I think would make great Netflix movies or TV shows. What did you pick this week?

Next week we’re going to talk about “Questions I would ask my favorite authors.” I may tweak it a little bit, but it will involve authors, questions, and maybe some of their advice.