Rainy Day Reads

Welcome to another edition of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! Today’s topic is Rainy Day Reads. Ummm… wouldn’t that be the same as what I’d read on any other day? So this might end up just being a list of books that I like that you might want to read on a rainy day? So probably not deserts or snowy landscapes.

Sky Without Stars cover

Maybe on a rainy day you’d like to read a Les Miserables retelling? While I haven’t read the original yet, I tend to enjoy stories inspired by that book. Sky Without Stars was amazing. As an added bonus, the weather is cloudy and rainy all the time. Perfect for a rainy day read, right?

The Devouring Gray cover

Perhaps you’re in the mood for something a little creepy on a rainy day instead. The Devouring Gray might be up your alley instead. It’s a book with a small town, secrets, and a creepy forest where people die. It might be good for a rainy day.

Six of Crows cover

Six of Crows was a recent audiobook I listened to and would probably make a good rainy day read? There isn’t too much snow in the book, it’s not a desert, and it’s a really good story that will suck you in. It just seems to have a rainy-day feel written on it.

The Dysasters cover

While the rain is pounding outside, maybe a book about people who can control the wind would be in order? The Dysasters is about a couple of teenagers with that kind of elemental ability to them, that end up (towards the end of the book) searching for some teens that can control the water.

Spectacle cover

So maybe it looks like I’m going for the creepy books while it’s raining outside? Although I tend to plan out what books I want to read a week or more in advance (and often stick to it), Spectacle, in which you can find several visits to the morgue and a run through the Catacombs, seems like a good book to read when it’s raining.

Clockwork Angel cover

If you have several days of rain up ahead, you might want to read The Infernal Devices books, starting with Clockwork Angel. It’s set in England in the late 1800s, with a bunch of paranormal figures involved. Lots of fog and damp weather, I presume. And if you happen to read Clockwork Princess while you’re around people, you can go outside to read the ending and people will think the tears streaming down your face are just raindrops.

Cruel Prince Cover

The Cruel Prince isn’t creepy, but it would probably be a good book to read on a rainy day. Maybe because the fae in this book are so in tune with nature. I could imagine that they would be comfortable in the rain. Plus, it’s just a really good book, and there isn’t any snow or deserts in the book either.

Into the Hollow cover

Into the Hollow‘s green Appalachian setting would probably be good to visit on a rainy day. Lots of forests. Plus, it’s a really good story that will take your mind off the weather outside for a while.

Brenna Morgan and the Iron Key cover

Top of the mornin’ to ya! Ireland is a really green place that gets a lot of rain, and that happens to be where Brenna Morgan & the Iron Key is set. Plus, there are leprechauns and fair folk in this book. We all know that the leprechauns like to hang around rainbows and pots of gold.

Ace of Shades Cover

Gambling is one of those things that people tend to do indoors? While it does get hot in New Reynes, where this story is set, there’s a lot that goes on indoors too. Plus, there’s a little bit of creepiness and grit in the story that might work with the rain beating down in the background. So if it’s raining, maybe you’d like to take a look at Ace of Shades to make you forget about the weather outside.

So there you have it. Books that you can read when it’s raining outside. Next week, we’re going to take a trip back in time and talk about the first ten books I reviewed on this blog. My first book reviews were actually done on Epinions.com (which no longer exists) and since I couldn’t find those, we’re going to a place that I actually have available to me.