Remember November Book Tag

Hello! I was tagged by Siobhan over at Novelties to do the Remember November book tag! It was originally started by Book Princess Reviews! I love the name of this tag. Last year, I read Fawkes over November 5th to commemorate Guy Fawke’s day. This year, we’ll commemorate November by finding books for some of these holidays.


  • pingback to the creator of the tag, @bookprincessreviews
  • tag the person who tagged you
  • find an answer to match each prompt
  • have fun!

Sadie Hawkins Day: First Saturday

a female character who takes her fate in her own hands

On the Come Up cover

There are so many books that could fit into this category, but one of those books that I haven’t mentioned in a while would be On The Come Up by Angie Thomas. Bri wants to be a rapper, but she’s surrounded by some bad influences, plus she has a temper. Her mom doesn’t want her getting into the rap business, but Bri goes and does it anyway. In the end, Bri finds out what’s important to her.

Guy Fawkes Night: November 5

a plot that was stopped at the last minute

Enchantée cover

For a second, I though about putting Fawkes in this box. That would be funny. But I ended up putting Enchantée here because I remember getting nearly to the end of the book and wondering how the heroine was going to come out of this unscathed. It had such a delicious ending that I named it my favorite book out of the ones I read last year.

Saxophone Day: November 6

a character with an uncommon hobby

Rebel cover

I’ve run across a lot of characters that play an instrument of some sort, are into art, like to read, dance, etc. But I think Eden Bataar Wing in Rebel is the only boy I’ve come across that likes to press flowers.

World Kindness Day: November 13

a villain who is changed by kindness

Les Miserables cover

Les Misérables was the biggest book I’ve read this year. Many of us are familiar with the synopsis of Les Misérables, but there are probably a lot fewer of us who have actually read it. We probably know of Jean Valjean as the man who spent twenty years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread, but he could have been the villain of the story: if not for the extreme kindness of one man. Although he was a villain at the beginning of the story, hardened by what society did for him, he instead becomes a changed man, becoming the saint of the story instead.

Use Less Stuff Day: November 18

a character who gives up something in their life (i.e. a dream, a possession)

Midnight Star cover

What can a character give up that’s more valuable than their life? If I recall correctly, there are actually two characters who give up their life in this book. I’m not going to say who though because spoilers. I think this series (The Midnight Star is the third book in The Young Elites series) is due for a reread in 2020. I have an unfinished novel-length fanfic of this series to finish too. A reread should help me finish that one.

Start Your Own Country Day: November 22

a book with its own land/world

An Ember in the Ashes Cover

I decided to go with a book I read last year for this last question. There are so many books that take place in their own worlds, but we sometimes can stop gushing about books we read a while ago in favor of the books we recently read. An Ember in the Ashes takes place in this whole ‘nother universe. Looking forward to reading the 4th book in 2021. It’s been a long wait, but I know Ms. Tahir has been working on it, so I’ll try to be patient. Writing a book is hard!

So that’s all for this book tag! Feel free to do this one if you’d like! If you decide to do this one, please tag me so I can see what you come up with.