The Summer Bucket List Book Tag

It’s July now, and if you’re in the United States, I hope you had a great holiday. If not, I hope you’re having a wonderful beginning to your summer (or winter if you live in the Southern Hemisphere). I saw the Summer Bucket List book tag and thought it would be fun to do!

I first saw this tag at Kristin Kraves Books, but it was started by Read By Tiffany.

The Rules:

  • Link back to the original creator in your post.
  • Feel free to use any of my graphics in your post, or create your own!
  • Tag 5 other people at the end of your post, and let them know you’ve tagged them. 
Alex, Approximately cover

The beach is a huge part of Alex, Approximately. One of the main characters is even a talented surfer! I definitely get major beach vibes while reading this book.

Flame in the Mist Cover

Is it weird that I put this book down in this category even though Mariko was running around as a boy for half the story? I don’t know, but I loved these two together anyway. I remember as I was reading this book having to go to work and being so upset that I couldn’t sit down and continue reading.

When Elephants Fly cover

When Elephants Fly involves a road trip with an elephant in the back of a truck, at least for part of the story.

The Rose Society cover

I’m going with literal stars for this prompt. I absolutely adore the scene with Magiano and Adelina under the stars in this book.

Enchantée cover

I knew that Enchantée was going to be an amazing book from the first page. When I was getting towards the end, I had to leave for work, and I seriously considered calling in late. I finished after lunch instead, and had such a smile on my face when I was done that one person asked if I was going home (when I was actually going back to work).

Into the Hollow cover

I thought the relationship between Cole and Free was sweet.

Fangirl cover

I’ll have to go with Fangirl on this one. It’s an adorable book and was a nice change of pace from the fantasy books I often read.

Here and Now and Then cover

Kin in Here and Now and Then certainly had to overcome some obstacles. He’s a time traveler who first gets stuck in the past. Then, after he has a life and family in the past, he is yanked back into the future. He has to help the family he left behind.

The Priory of the Orange Tree cover

I don’t remember whether it was delicious food or not, but The Priory of the Orange Tree talked about food quite a lot. That’s one of the things I need to pay more attention to in my own book, so that’s why it stuck out to me in this one.

Never Stop Walking Cover

Christina Rickardsson went through quite a lot, and her story is quite amazing. She’s quite inspiring.

So… that’s the end of this book tag. I’m not really big on tagging people (I don’t know who’d want to do this and I don’t wan to leave people out) so I’m going to skip that part, but if you’d like to do this one, then consider yourself tagged. If you do decided to do this tag, send me a link so I can visit!