Royalty (Fangirling on Friday)

Fangirling on Friday

It’s Friday again! That means (looks at watch) I only have three more weeks until I get to work from home and do this writing/blogging/homeschooling thing full time! Woo! I’m excited for that, but for now, we have Fangirling on Friday, hosted by Books in the Skye! Today we’re talking about royalty.

Cruel Prince Cover

One of my favorite series involving royalty at the moment happens to be The Cruel Prince. They’re not exactly the poster child for great royal families, but if you’ve read history (and I tend to like history a lot) then you probably see that royalty in real life isn’t a whole lot like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty. Except for the bad things that happen to them. So having a messed up royal house maybe is a prerequisite for being royalty? I absolutely love Jude and Cardan, and am looking forward to The Queen of Nothing. They postponed Chain of Gold until next March, but they moved up the final Folk of the Air book to (I think) the same week that Chain of Gold originally was supposed to come out, so at least I get to read this one this year at least!

Four Dead Queens cover

Of course, what would a post on royalty be without talk about queens? I absolutely loved Four Dead Queens. Quadara is a unique country that has not one, but four queens… and no king.

But something is going on and someone is offing the queens. Dun dun DUN! Why? Will they catch the killer? This story was quite unique and I didn’t really guess the twist to this book. I’d love to see more books by this author.

Heartless cover

I don’t mention Heartless by Marissa Meyer all that often, but it was one of the first books I reviewed on this blog. This is the story of The Queen of Hearts before she becomes the queen in wonderland. You just have to feel sorry for her, because all she wants to do is bake, and her parents expect her to marry the king instead. And she falls in love with someone as well (that isn’t the king).

So there you go: three books about royalty that I really liked. What are some books revolving around royalty that you like? Mother’s Day is coming up (in the US, at least) and we’ll be talking about favorite mothers next week. Eep! A lot of my favorite characters have lost their mothers! Forget favorites… maybe I’ll just write about characters whose mothers aren’t dead or evil! If I can find a few of them.